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LABO07: Time (hours) spent on housework outside work by reporting country, time and sex

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Delivered by National Statistics Institutes (Åland).
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Calculations are based on microdata from the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), coordinated by Eurofound. The survey aims to represent the population of all employed persons aged 15 or older.

The question is 'On average, how many hours per day do you spend on Cooking and housework outside work?' Data is reported in number of hours, where decimals represent hundreds of an hour (e.g, 1.75 should be read 1 hour and 45 minutes; 0.20 should be read 12 minutes). The indicator is calculated as the mean number of hours out of all responses given by persons who answered the question (excluding those answering 'not applicable', 'don't know' or refusing to answer).

More information about the survey can be found here.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Eurofound had to cancel the EWCS 2020 edition. The EWCS 2021 extraordinary edition micro data will be published in December 2022. However, due to the change in interviewing mode, comparison with previous editions of the survey will not be possible and the options for analysis of trends over time limited.

reporting country


Data covers persons who have been active in the category. Data refer to the population aged 16-74. 1990: data refer to 1987. 2010: Data refer to 2008-2009. 2010 onward: categories comply with definition, whereas earlier years had fewer categories included in domestic work.


Includes Åland.


2010: data refer to 2010-2011.


Data refer to the population aged 20-64. Data 2000 refer to 2000-2001. 2000 and onwards: Other activities include unspecified household and family care, household management and help to an adult household member.